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Sunday, June 22, 2014

New and Improved Definition of My Favorite Word

I have a favorite word. It will probably be my favorite until the day I die. I know I've written about it before, but I just found a wonderful definition of it. I'm leaving it here because I don't want to lose this meaning.....

The word is "sunao." It is a Japanese word and no English equivalent does it service.

Here is the meaning I found today. This was a comment under the definition on an online Japanese-English dictionary where sunao had been defined as "meek, docile, or honest, frank.(すなお)素直." Like I said, these words do not do this justice. They are merely a scratch on the surface. Here is the comment:

"While I do accept the usual definition of obedience and submission (to a higher authority), I think there's more to it than that: it's the radical acceptance of things as they are, not as we would like them to be, and an ability to accept valid criticism with grace and humility, and to change oneself or one's mind accordingly, putting one's ego aside. It's the opposite of 'recalcitrant', really." (https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070706182819AAtf3kJ)

YES! This word, sunao, speaks to my heart. It is all I aspire to be!

When the tsunami happened in Japan, you will recall, the Japanese didn't sit around feeling sorry for themselves. They took their situation for what it was and got to work. For the most part, as I know there are exceptions to every rule, they didn't and don't pit themselves against God or nature as we American rebels do. They just accept and move on....Accepting life for what is given, being grateful for what they have, and working to make the best of it for themselves and everyone around them....

That's what I want to be. I wish I could truly define this word as it has lodged itself in my heart, but that is the best I can do for now.

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