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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Week Ahead: Follow Up on Day 2

Okay, I don't want to jinx myself, but it seems that almost everyday, a little bit of cleaning goes a long way. This is SO NOT how things were in the past. Maybe my kids are all starting to grow up a bit, and even my littlest is a bit more capable than she was even last week. Let's just hope this is a trend.

So, to follow up on the things I wanted to accomplish today:

  • Hang up the pile of clothes in my bedroom.
  • Empty one box from the garage. Throw or put away the contents.
    • Okay, so I didn't do this, but I DID clean out the fridge for ten minutes and at least got the science projects taken care of. After I got done with the fridge, I went down and straightened the pantry and organized the DVDs--this was a HUGE project, but it's now done. PHEW!
  • Upload and order photos for #7's "Star of the Week" poster.
  • Follow up on the kids' goals for the week. Help them progress today.
    • I mentioned this to them, but I went up to help #4 on his math and read Harry Potter to #5, so the goal accomplishment stuff was kind of up to them today. Tomorrow, this WILL happen.
  • Work up to p. 112 in the emergency preparedness manual.
    • I worked on it and sent an update in, but I'm not even near p. 112. I knew this one was steep and wishful thinking.
  • Fold clothes on top of dryer.
    • Not sure how this one didn't get done, but my next laundry day is Thursday, and I want this to happen before then, so tomorrow'll have to be the day.
  • Create agendas for the two meetings for this week.
    • Nope. When I wrote this one, my palms started to sweat a bit. Because of an award night at the high school, I know I'm going to have to change the date and time for one of the meetings. The other is one I don't usually conduct, so I'm not sure where to begin with the agenda. Thank goodness for a dear friend who's helping me out.

As far as the goals for this week go, I'm just about to finish off my night routine. Walking didn't happen, but like I mentioned, Harry Potter did, so we take the goods with the not yets.

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