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Monday, June 25, 2012

The Week Ahead

Off to Girls' Camp this afternoon. There's much to do to prepare my family for my departure that I have to tackle this morning.

Merit badge (Boy Scouts of America)
 #4 and I sat down last night and looked at his scout stuff. There was a court of honor last night, and that seemed to give us both a bit more of a vision of what he should be doing. Because I helped the girls with their Personal Progress goals, I assumed that the Warden would take on the boys and help them with their scout stuff. I think, to be fair to him, though, I'm the one that's home and has time to do these things especially with summer on.

 #4 and I got things figured out last night, and it feels so good. He has little jobs he has to do everyday this week. We created a spreadsheet on google docs and shared it with the Warden and #4's scout leaders.

 Here's a little written illustration of what it's like:
1st column - week #
2nd column - merit badge(s) to work on
3rd-9th columns - Monday through Saturday and what will be accomplished on each day.

For today, he has a letter to pick up from his principal. He emailed her last night and had a response within a half hour that she would write a letter for him and have it for him first thing in the morning. I was SO impressed by this. He has a 250 to 300 word paper to write and needs to contact his scout leader about some fitness tests they did at one of their scout meetings. I'm pretty sure he probably should have had these things already written down, but hmm.... Anyway, it feels good to be getting on top of this.

I have goodies I need to purchase for camp "mail." I need to make sure all of our cameras are fully charged and ready. Oh, and I have to pack. That might be important, huh? I haven't even started yet. YIKES! I'm hoping this day passes rather slowly.

I think for the job I've been assigned this year, this is probably the best year to do it. We're going to a new camp, which is really being hailed as a "resort." At the last minute, they had to change camps, so they took what they could get. The thing is it has cabins that, from what I've heard, each have electricity. I'm going as camp historian and will work with the girls who will create the slideshow that will be shown to the girls after camp. Should be very fun!

I've never gone in this capacity before. It will be interesting to not really belong in any one place or with any one group (other than my three girls who will be taking pictures all over the place).

Well, I'm off to get the laundry going and get some packing done.
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Tonya said...

I hope you have a great experience at camp! I know you will. It's so much fun! I will miss being there this year.

LeAnn said...

Wishing you a wonderful time. I went to camp for a couple of years as the nurse. It was a tent camp; but two of us had a cabin to stay in so that was nice.
I think your assignment is going to be really fun and it is awesome tobe with your girls.
Have fun!!

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